NapalmBomber 3D

A freewaregame - 2003 by Sascha Willems ( -


NapalmBomber3D is freeware.This means that you can (and should) give it to your friends.But if you do so, you must distribute it as a full package (including this readme).Offering the game for download on your own page is only allowed after asking me for permisson.
Moreover I can't gurantee the game to work flawless in every system, and I can't be made responsible for any problems or damages caused by the use of this game.
All 3D-Models in this package were made by me and can only be used an distributed in your projects with my permission.


As the game is still in alphastages, I'm not able to tell you the very minimum configuration for the game to run smooth.But it should be playable on an Athlon with 700Mhz and a GeForce-class graphicscard.
If you however want to activate projected shadows, I recommend a system with at least 1GHz and a GeForce3/Radeon9500 graphicscard, as the realtime shadows are calculated each frame and need a lot of graphicspower.

Supported graphicscards :
- ATI Radeon-Series
- nVidia Riva TNT1/2
- nVidia GeForce 1/2/3/4
- 3DFX Vodoo-Serie

Not supported at the moment :
- SIS 630/730 *

* Too slow to run the game at playable framerates


You can easily configure the game using NapalmConfig.It's able to set different screeenresolutions, the language of the game and playerkeys.At the moment, the only inputdevice supported is the keyboard.Joysticksupport may come in one of the next releases.

The game

As you can guess when reading the title of the game, it's a bombermanclone.It has been completly programmed using Borland's Delphi and uses OpenGL for graphicsoutput.The gameprinciple of bomberman should be known, as it's almost as old and widespread as tetris.In case you've never played a bombermanclone : You'll have to kill your enemies by putting bombs on the ground.The last player surviving wins the match.

The following items are implemented and can be picked up.More items may follow in the future :
Increases the number of bombs you can drop.
Increases the range of your bombs.
Speeds you up.
Makes you slow (so better don't pick it up!)

By now, you can only play against human player.AI players may come in a future release.The default controls for all players are as follow (but you can change them using NapalmConfig) :
Player Left Right Up Down Drop Bomb
1 (White) Cursor Left Cursor Right Cursor Up Cursor Down Right Control
2 (Green) A D W S Q
3 (Red) Numpad 4 Numpad 6 Numpad 8 Numpad 2 Numpad 0
4 (Turkoise) H K U J Z

Other Keys
Key Function
Page up Lower camerangle
Page down Raise cameraangle
F1 JukeBox : Play all MP3s in the "\music" subdirectory
F2 Jukebox : Play AudioCD (searches the drives D bis G)
F3 Jukebox : Stop music

This has been implemented to limit the matchtime so that matches won't take forever.If the timer drops below one minute, blocks start to fall beginning at the border of the playground, making the playground smaller and smaller every second.If a player is hit by a falling block, he dies.

Version history :

Alpha 1
- First public release
Alpha 2
- Performance increases
- Bugfixes
- Configurationtool
Alpha 3
- Realistic shadows
- Enhanced configurationtool
- Bugfixes
Alpha 4
- Support for DXT-texturecompression (up to 15% performanceincrease)
- New mapeditor
- HurryUp-Mode
Alpha 4a
- Chainreactions now always work properly
- Cameraposition tiltable (Keys : Page Up/Page Down)
Alpha 5
Game :
 - Reworked configurationtool
 - Textures in JPF-format insted of TGA
 - Support for compressed TGA-Textures
 - Better support for ATI's Readoncards (much higher framerates)
 - General increase of framerates
 - Jukebox to play own mp3s and AudioCDs
 - Deathanimation if a player dies
 - Delay when dropping bombs (You'll have to repress the firekey)
 - Maprotation
Editor :
 - Windows of the mapeditor now fit desktopsize
 - Problems with ATI's Radeoncards fixed
Version 0.6[Beta]
 - Bombcollission
 - Animated playermodels
Version 0.6a[Beta]
 - Playerspeed will be correctly restored after picking up the skull PowerUP
Version 0.7
Game :
 - Networksupport
 - Support for ATI's Truform (Enable with NapalmConfig)
 - Maps without border now work
 - Inactive players aren't displayed anymore
 - Changes in extreme mode (less bombs, lower playerspeed)
Editor :
 - Many bugfixes.It now shouldn't make that much problems
Version 0.8
Game :
 - All menues and dialogs can now be controlled with the mouse
 - New graphicsset "underwater" inlcuding a global caustics-effect
 - Renewed main menu
 - Amount of PowerUPs can now be changed
 - Scores will be reset when starting a new game
 - Volume adjustable ingame (F4=increase/F5=decrease/F6=mute)
 - Newest FMOD.DLL (3.6.1->3.6.3)
Configtool :
 - Fixed bug when assigning buttons
Editor :
 - Totally renewed editor
   - Completly new GUI
   - Bugfixes
   - Updated helpfiles (now also in english)


NapalmBomber3D programmed and designed b< Sascha Willems.3D-Models and Maps made also by Sascha Willems .

Other credis :
The FMOD-team for a great soundlib
Mike Lischke for his 3DS-Loader
Borland for the bes programming language and IDE named Delphi
Hudson Soft, the company that invented bomberman

Copyright 2003 by Sascha Willems